Counter-Strike: Source | Textures Hack. Wallhack, ColoredModels

Textures Hack. Wallhack, ColoredModels, Chams, Colored Heads and FullBright

–Wallhack and simple colored player models
–Colored heads
–fulbright players (always see them brightly even when behind walls an in shadows and such)

Better description

Ts are red wth orange heads and turn pink when behind.
CTs are blue with green heads and turn light blue when behind walls
this doesn’t pass constancy checks but i will release a momory hack that will probably be detected or not working within a week.

high resolution, high quality, real in game Screen shot

1. get Winrar
2. extract the ctrike folder included in the hack into your counter strike: source folder
3. play

NOTE: to use this you need to put the following in your console. for some reason autoexec wouldnt work for me.


1) Распаковать архив

2) Положить файлы в соответствующую папку counter strike

Скачать чит Counter-Strike: Source, VAC2 Cheats, Wallhack, ColoredModels

Berkey-Power MatHack (5381)

About the Author


2 Комментариев to “ Counter-Strike: Source | Textures Hack. Wallhack, ColoredModels ”

  1. что то мне кажется это работать не будет

  2. я некогда читами непользовался а так хочетца но серовно неполучаетца

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